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Dear Megan,
Let's get this out of the way first and foremost.  What site is he looking on?  If these broads were willing and able, whether he did it or not is not important.  What is important is that I throw my name into the hat.  Ok, back to your issue.  Here's the deal, chances are this is probably your fault in the long run, and you are not giving me the full scoop.  Lets be hones here Meggy, my guess is you are not holding up your end of the bargain.  You have been his girlfriend for 2 years now, so obviously your not exactly marriage material for one reason or another.  Either you are hotter than all of his friends girls and he has to keep you around for that (see trophy wife), or you are a pig, but great in the sack.  Either way, know this.  He hasn't married you yet, and he probably isn't going to.   This will be as far as this relationship will progress.  You just have to learn to accept whatever he gives you.  If the sex continues to be good at home, he won't leave you.  You're kinda like an old T.V.  You still work good, no reason to get rid of you, but he wants a new TV with all the new gizmos on it.   He'll keep you cuz you work just fine, but he'll throw you in the bedroom.  Let him go out and galavant with all these internet hookers.  As long as he is still coming home to you, whats the difference?  Don't throw trust in my face either, because trust was an issue long ago apparently.  You didn't trust him before, or you wouldn't have to go rifling through his e-mails.  If you thought that you might find something, why look.  If things were already going good, why fuck it up.  You should feel lucky that he didn't flip the script on you and leave your ass when you told him you were snooping through his e-mail.  Thats a great way to go about it.  In other words, write me again when you get some real dirt on him, especially when you find strange panties in your bedroom.  Make sure you get her name, number, and e-mail address and include that with your e-mail. 

A few months ago, I discovered that my boyfriend of 2 years (we have lived together for almost a year) was trying to contact women through an adult personals service in search of  "discreet fun".  After confronting him, he instantly lied and said I was crazy.  Then when I showed proof of the emails, basically catching him red handed, he instantly felt remorse and his explanation was basically that he was an idiot and his curiosity got the best of him.  He said that he had not acted on any of the women he had contacted and told me he could never go through with something like that.  I was shocked and completely crushed.  I wanted to leave him right then and there but I told him I needed time and needed him to really show me that he is still in love with me.  For the next few weeks, I was distant but eventually decided to just forget about the whole thing.  After all, he did seem genuinely sorry for what he did.  Now, anytime he is not in my presence, I wonder who he is with.  We haven't spoken abou t it since  I feel like since I have forgiven him, I can't bring this back up.  Not to mention the humility and pain that it will put both of us through.  I don't know what to do from here.  I love him, and want to make thiggs work but how do I move on from this? 

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