Thousands Flock To Underpass Stain

CHICAGO (Reuters) - A wall stain that some believe depicts Fuzz and Zapper of drew scores of faithful on Thursday to a gritty highway underpass that has become a shrine with flowers, candles and prayers. "When you come down here and you see it, it's real! That's why I wanted to come down here and see for myself" said Joanne Grablik, of Inverness. "It is beautiful." The image, which highway engineers said was probably formed by leaking water and winter road salt from the highway above, first began drawing visitors last week. Their numbers grew daily, causing traffic tie-ups in the vicinity and police later blocked-off part of the area. “It's a miracle, I knew they would come for us!" said one woman, claiming she could see the faces of the guys many people revere as the funniest people on the planet. Some knelt in prayer, others touched the image on the wall and many took pictures using cellular phones. Highway officials said they planned to leave the wall as it is.