.: 09/24/06 FNZ Pokerstars Avatar

.: 11/20/06
Congrats Willie? Like it or not, you're gonna be a Dad!
Also congrats may be in order to Zapper?
 Click to Get 10$
When we here at FuzzandZapper.com set out to do something, we attack it with a fury that is not known to most humans. And when i say fury, i really mean lazy. It takes us fuckin forever to get 1 simple task accomplished. Why? cause we know that no-one reads this crap anyway. But for those loyal fans of ours ( my mom, willard and L8bloomer ) we have decided to revamp the site. An extreme makeover FuzzandZapper edition, if you will. When we set out to do this, we really didn't have a clue what to do. And for what it is worth, we still don't. No matter what vomit we spew across the pages of the site you can be sure that it will be another 3 months or so before we update it again. So you better get used to it. If you want some better entertainment then i suggest that you go get a turtle. When we do decide to do an update, you can be sure that it will be awesome 24/7 365. Or 90, depending on how many days in between updates there are. So here its for your viewing pleasure: FUZZANDZAPPER.COM......................................( updates to come =)
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